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Terms & Conditions

ScotlandIS Terms and Conditions

欢迎来到博天堂入口的条款和条件. 如果您访问或使用本网站,这些条款和条件将适用于您. 如果您不同意受本条款和条件的约束, do not use or access this Website. You must read and accept all of the Terms and Conditions contained herein together with the Privacy Policy before you may use or access the Website in any way.

1. Definitions

“协议”指下文提及的条款和条件, 在您访问或使用本服务(定义见下文)时,您同意受其约束。.

“User” means you, the Website User.

“Information” means any and all material contained in the Website (as defined below) which is delivered by or on behalf of ScotlandIS or any associates thereof.

“网站”指在w .域名下运营的ScotlandIS网站

2. Ownership of the Website

本网站所载资料由, 授权或授权给博天堂入口及其受让人, 被许可人或分许可人以及文本中的版权, artwork, graphics and images on the Website is owned by ScotlandIS or its licensors or its content or technology providers except where otherwise specified.

3. Basis of Use of the Website

The User agrees to the following:

a) that it understands, 承认并接受以下所载的免责和免责条款;

b) that it shall not use the Information for any unlawful purpose or in any unlawful manner or for any purpose or in any manner not unauthorised by this Agreement;

c) that it shall not use the Website or the Information in any manner which may constitute an infringement of any third party rights (including but not limited to rights of copyright, trademark or confidentiality);

d) that it shall not run any tools on the Website that systematically retrieve web pages for offline or online viewing; whether it be for personal, commercial, experimental, educational or any other use;

e) that in the event that it has any right, 因使用本网站而对任何其他用户或第三方提出的索赔或诉讼, it shall pursue such right, 独立于博天堂入口而不诉诸博天堂入口的索赔或诉讼;

f)其在此同意赔偿并确实在此赔偿ScotlandIS的所有费用, 费用(包括但不限于合理的法律费用和支出), losses and damages arising from or incurred as a consequence of any claims or demands arising from or flowing from its breach of these terms.

4. Disclaimer

4. 1. ScotlandIS provides the Website and the Information on an “as is” basis and makes no warranty or representation whatsoever about the availability, completeness, accuracy, satisfactory quality, 和/或其适合某一特定用途.

4. 2. The contents of this Website are provided for general information purposes only and do not constitute professional marketing advice and may not be relied on as such.  虽然我们努力确保内容是准确和最新的, 使用者在采取或不采取任何行动前,应征询适当的意见.

4. 3. The transmission, 下载或发送任何材料不会在博天堂入口和任何其他方之间建立任何合同关系.  ScotlandIS accept no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any loss or damage suffered by any user of the information contained in this Website or the material downloaded from it.

4. 4. ScotlandIS对以下事项不作任何保证或陈述:

  •  本网站的可靠性或技术效率;
  •  the security measures (if any) contained in the Website and in particular the protection afforded to any Information or other information and data; for further information on security measures, please read our Privacy Policy;

4. 5. 博天堂入口不承担所有责任(在法律允许的范围内)

  • 任何可透过本网站进入的广告或其他网站;
  • 第三方提供的可通过本网站访问或包含在该等信息中的任何信息; 
  • any damage to the User, the User’s computer hardware, 因用户访问或使用本网站或信息而产生的软件或其他材料或设备;

4. 6. 未经我们事先书面同意,您不得链接到博天堂入口网站. ScotlandIS网站包含其他网站的链接. 博天堂入口没有控制其他非博天堂入口网站的内容. Whilst ScotlandIS 可能相信这些网站对你有用或对你感兴趣, ScotlandIS makes no warranties, representations or undertakings about any content of any other website referred to or accessed by hypertext link through this Website (“3rd party site”). 博天堂入口不认可或批准任何第三方网站的内容, 博天堂入口也不承担任何与之相关的责任(包括, but not limited to, liability arising out of any allegation that the content of any 3rd party site infringes any law or the rights of any person or entity).

4. 7. Whilst ScotlandIS uses all reasonable endeavours to exclude viruses from the Website it cannot ensure such exclusion and it accepts no liability for viruses and the User is therefore recommended to take all appropriate preventative measures and ensure all appropriate safeguards are in place before downloading information from the Website. Similarly, the User undertakes to take all appropriate protective measures and to ensure all appropriate safeguards are employed to prevent the introduction of viruses by the User to the Website.

5. Privacy

Users are requested to read our Privacy Policy.

6. Ownership and Intellectual Property

6. 1. 本网站的知识产权(包括但不限于版权和数据库权利)归, licensed or authorised to ScotlandIS, its assignees, 被许可人或分许可人以及文本中的版权, artwork, graphics and images on the Website is owned by ScotlandIS or its licensors or its content or technology providers except where otherwise specified. 这些条款和条件中没有任何内容将此类知识产权的任何所有权转让给您, or constitutes a licence to use such intellectual property rights other than to the extent expressly set out in these Terms and Conditions.

6. 2. 您可以下载到本地硬盘并打印本网站的摘录供您个人使用. 您也可以将下载的摘要复制给他人,但您这样做不是为了盈利. However, 除个人使用外,禁止以任何形式复制本网站的部分或全部内容. 本网站的任何内容不得复制或以其他方式并入或储存于任何其他网站, electronic retrieval system, 出版物或其他任何形式的作品(无论是硬拷贝), electronic or other). You may not modify, distribute or reproduce the contents of this Website in any manner and for any other use without the prior written consent of ScotlandIS. 

6. 3. 您不得删除任何产品标识, copyright notices or other notices from ScotlandIS’s materials or copies of ScotlandIS’s materials on this Website which you may have made or printed for your own personal use. For the avoidance of doubt, 未经明确许可,不得对本网站或其任何部分进行框架设计. Notwithstanding the above, caching of this site is permitted by an information service provider acting in the normal course of its business as provided for in the Electronic Commerce (EC Directive) Regulations 2002. 

6. 4. 任何第三方产品或公司名称和设备, logos, icons, graphics or designs referred to on the pages of the Website are the trade marks of their respective owners and are exhibited only in such a manner as is intended to be for the benefit of such trade mark owners and ScotlandIS intends no infringement of such marks. 

6. 5. The appearance or absence of product, services, companies, organisations, 本网站上的主页或其他网站并不意味着背书, or non-endorsement, thereof by ScotlandIS. 博天堂入口保留所有未明确授予的权利.

7. Amendments to Terms and Conditions

7. 1. ScotlandIS保留不时更改这些条款和条件的权利. The User’s continued use or access of the Website after such variation shall be deemed to confirm the User’s acceptance of any such variation. 用户有责任定期查看这些条款和条件,以确定是否有任何此类更改. If the User does not wish to be bound by any varied Terms and Conditions it should cease using and accessing the Website immediately.

8. Severability

8. 1. 如果本协议的任何条款被法院禁止或判决为非法, void or unenforceable such provision shall to the extent required be severed from this Agreement and rendered unenforceable as far as possible without modifying the remaining provisions of this Agreement and shall not in any way affect the validity or enforcement of this Agreement.

9. Jurisdiction

9. 1. 这些条款和条件应受博天堂入口法律管辖并根据博天堂入口法律进行解释. No contract is intended to be formed by your use of this Website and you agree any such formation of contract will not occur without the written consent of ScotlandIS. 您在此同意,在您使用本网站而形成的任何合同中,履约地为博天堂入口.

9. 2. The Scottish courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to determine any dispute relating to your access to and use of the Website including any contract arising therefrom. 您有责任遵守您访问本网站所在国家的任何适用法律.

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